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    Imai, M., Kita, S., Akita, K., Saji, N., Ohba, M., & Namatame, M. (2025). Does sound symbolism need sound? : The role of articulatory movement in detecting iconicity between sound and meaning. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 157, 137-148. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0034832 (本論文のOA化にあたって、2024年度学術交流支援資金出版論⽂投稿⽀援による助成を受けたことを感謝いたします)

    Childers, J., Imai, M., Ohba, M., Perry, F., & Marsh, L. (2025). Examining Children’s Verb Learning in the US and Japan: Do Comparisons Help? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 251, 106129. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2024.106129


    Imai, M. & Akita, K. (2024).  Sound Symbolism.  Article for the Open Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. https://oecs.mit.edu/ >online

    今井むつみ(2024)「語彙習得理論は何を説明しなければならないのか:30年の軌跡を振り返って」認知科学 第31巻 第1号 (2024) pp.8-26 特集 ことばの認知科学:言語の基盤とは何か https://doi.org/10.11225/cs.2023.076 >online


    今井 むつみ・佐治 伸郎(2023年)「言語習得研究のこれまでとこれから」認知科学 第30巻第1号(2023) pp.63-73 Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 63–73 特集 『認知科学』創刊 30 周年記念(第 1 部 研究編)>online

    Imai, M., Akita, K. (2023) The Iconicity Ring Hypothesis Bridges the Gap Between Symbol Grounding and Linguistic Relativity: TopiCS in Cognitive Science, 15, 676-682. doi: http://doi.org/10.1111/tops.12671 >online


    Scott, E. Molly., Kanero, J., Saji, N., Chen, Y., Imai, M., Golinkoff, M. R., & Hirsh-Pasek, K. (2022).  From green to turquoise: Exploring age and socioeconomic status in the acquisition of color terms: First Language, doi: https://doi.org/10.1177%2F01427237221112499 >online

    Akita, K., and Imai, M. (2022). The iconicity ring model for sound symbolism. In Sara Lenninger, Olga Fischer, Christina Ljungberg, and Elżbieta Tabakowska (eds.), Iconicity in Cognition and across Semiotic Systems, 27-45. (Iconicity in Language and Literature 18.) Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. >PDF >online


    Imai, M., Murai, C., Miyazaki, M., Okada, H & Tomonaga, M. (2021). The contingency symmetry bias (affirming the consequent fallacy) as a prerequisite for word learning: A comparative study of pre-linguistic human infants and chimpanzees: Cognition, volume214. >online


    Saji, N.,Asano, M., & Imai, M. (2020) Acquisition of the meaning of the word orange requires understanding of the meanings of red, pink and purple: Constructing a lexicon as a connected system. Cognitive Science. >online

    Imai, M. & Kanero, J. (2020). How classifiers affect mental representation of entities. In Chungmin Lee, Young-Wha Kim, & Byeong-Uk Yi (Eds). Numeral Classifiers and Classifier Languages: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. (pp.197-230). Roudledge.

    Imai, M. & J. Childers. (2020). Learning Individual Verbs and the Verb System: When Are Multiple Examples Helpful? In Jane Childers (Eds.) Language and Concept Acquisition from Infancy Through Childhood. (pp.131-158). Springer. >online

    Imai, M. Kanero, J., & Masuda, T. (2020). Culture, Language, and Thought. In Oliver Braddick (Eds.) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology. Oxford University Press, Oxford. >online


    Yang, J., Asano, M., Kanazawa, S., Yamaguchi, M. K., & Imai, M. (2019). Sound symbolism processing is lateralized to the right temporal region in the prelinguistic infant brain. Scientific Reports, 9, 13435.  >online

    Saji, N., Akita, K, Kantartzis, K, Kita, S., and Imai, M. (2019) Cross-linguistically shared and language-specific sound symbolism in novel words elicited by locomotion videos in Japanese and English. PLOS ONE, 14(7):  e0218707. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0218707. >online

    Kantartzis, K., Imai, M., Evans, D. & Kita, S. (2019) Sound symbolism facilitates long-term retention of the semantic representation of novel verbs in three-year-olds. Languages, Special Issue: Embodied Cognition and Language: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives. doi: 10.3390/languages4020021 >online


    Imai, M., Hidaka, S., Saji, N., & Ohba, M. (2018). Symbol grounding and system construction in the color lexicon. In T. T. Rogers, M. Rau, X. Zhu, & C. W. Kalish (Eds.), Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. pp.1853-1858. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. >online


    Imai, M. (2017).  The “Symbol Grounding Problem” reinterpreted from the perspective of language acquisition.  In J.Zlatev, Sonesson, G., P. Konderak (Eds.). Meaning, Mind and Communication; Explorations in Cognitive Semiotics. pp145-160. Frunkfurt am Mein: Peterlang. >online

    Abbot-Smith, K., Imai,M. Durrant,S. & Nurmsoo, E. (2017). The role of timing and prototypical causality on how preschoolers fast-map novel verb meanings.  First Language. 37, 186–204. DOI: 10.1177/0142723716679800. >online


    橋田浩一・嶋田総太郎・今井むつみ (2016). 仮説検証サイクルと記号接地, 認知科学 23(1), 65-73. >online

    Imai, M., Kanero, J., & Masuda, T.(2016). The Relation between Language, Culture and Thought. Current Opinion in Psychology, 8, 70–77.>online


    Saji, N., Asano, M., Oishi, M., & Imai, M. (2015). How do children construct the color lexicon? : Restructuring the domain as a connected system. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. >online

    Malt, B.C., Gennari, S., Imai, M., Ameel, E., Saji, N., & Majid, A.(2015). Where are the concepts? What words can and can’t reveal. In E. Margolis and S. Laurence (Eds.), The Conceptual Mind: New Directions in the Study of Concepts. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 291-326. >> The Conceptual Mind

    Imai, M., & Kanero, J. (2015). The nature of the count/mass distinction in Japanese. In. J.J. Nakayama (Eds.), Handbook of Japanese Psycholinguistics. (In Handbooks of Japanese Language and Linguistics Series) Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Mouton. 49-80. >> Handbook of Japanese Psycholinguistics

    Kanero, J., Imai, M., Okada, H. & Hoshino, N. (2015). Do classifiers make the syntactic count/mass distinction? Insights from ERPs in classifier processing in Japanese. Journal of Memory and Language, 83, 20-52.

    Imai, M., Miyazaki, M., Yeung, Henny, Hidaka, S, Kantartzis, K, Okada, H., and Kita, S. (2015) Sound symbolism facilitates word learning in 14-month-olds. PLOS ONE. >online

    Asano,M. , Imai,M. ,Kita,S. ,Kitajo,K. , Okada,H. Thierry, G. (2015). Sound Symbolism Scaffolds Language Development in Preverbal Infants. Cortex, 63, 196–205. >online


    Imai, M. & Kita, S.(2014). The sound symbolism bootstrapping hypothesis for language acquisition and language evolution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Soceity B, 369(1651). >PDF

    Kanero J, Imai M, Okuda J, Okada H, Matsuda T (2014). How Sound Symbolism Is Processed in the Brain: A Study on Japanese Mimetic Words PLoS ONE9(5): e97905. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0097905 >ONLINE

    Malt, B., Ameel, E., Imai,M., Gennari,S. , Saji,N., & Majid, A. (2014 ) Human Locomotion in Languages: Constraints on Moving and Meaning. Journal of Memory and Language, 74, 107-123.

    Imai, M. , Schalk, L., Saalbach, H., & Okada, H. (2014). All giraffes have female-specific properties: Influence of grammatical gender on deductive reasoning about sex-specific properties in German speakers. Cognitive Science, 38, 514–536. >PDF


    Saji, N. , Akita, K., Imai, M., Kantartzis, K., Kita, S. Cross-linguistically shared and language-specific sound symbolism for motion: An exploratory data mining approach. In the Proceedings of the 35th Annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 1253-1258.>PDF

    Miyazaki, M., Hidaka, S., Imai, M., Yeung, H, H., Kantartzis, K., Okada, H., Kita, S. The facilitatory role of sound symbolism in infant word learning. In the Proceedings of the 35th Annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 3080-3085.>PDF

    Imai, M., & Kanero, J. (to appear) The nature of the count/mass distinction in Japanese. In. J.J. Nakayama (Ed). Handbook of Japanese Psycholinguistics. (In Handbooks of Japanese Language and Linguistics Series) Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Mouton.

    佐治伸郎,今井むつみ. (2013). 「語彙獲得における類像性の効果の検討:親の発話と子どもの理解の観点から」. 篠原和子・宇野良子「(編) 『オノマトペ研究の射程』:近づく音と意味. ひつじ書房.

    Malt, B.C., Gennari, S., Imai, M., Ameel, E., Saji, N., & Majid, A. (in press). Where are the concepts? What words can and can’t reveal. Chapter to appear in E. Margolis and S. Laurence (Eds.), Concepts: New Directions. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

    Imai, M. & Masuda, T. (2013). The role of language and culture in universality and diversity of human concepts. In M.Gelfand, CY. Chiu,& Y. Hong ( Eds.). Advances in Culture and Psychology, Vol. 3. Oxford University Press. Pp 1-61.>PDF

    Saji, N & Imai, M (2013). Evolution of verb meanings in children and L2 adult learners through reorganization of an entire semantic domain: The case of Chinese carry/hold verbs. Scientific Research in Reading, Special issue: Reading in Chinese,17, 71-88. >PDF


    Saalbach, H., Imai, M. & Shalk, L. (2012) Grammatical gender and inferences about biological properties in German-speaking children. Cognitive Science, 36, 1251-1267. >PDF

    Saalbach, H. & Imai, M. (2012). The Relation between Linguistic Categories and Cognition: The case of numeral classifiers. Language and Cognitive Processes, 27, 381-428. >PDF


    Akita, K. , Imai, M., Saji, N., Kantartzis, K., & Kita, S. (2011). Mimetic Vowel Harmony in Japanese. B. Frellesvig & P. Sells (Eds.), Japan/Korean Linguistics, 20, CSLI Publications.

    Go¨ksun, T., Hirsh-Pasek, K, Golinkoff, R. M., Imai, M., Konishi, H., & Okada, H. (2011). Who is crossing where?: Infants’ discrimination of figures and grounds in events. Cognition, 121(2):176-195. >PDF

    Saalbach, H. & Imai, M. (2011). The Relation between Linguistic Categories and Cognition: The Case of Numeral Classifiers. Language and Cognitive Processes. DOI:10.1080/01690965.2010.546585. >PDF

    Saji, N., Imai, M., Saalbach, H., Zhang, Y., Shu, H., & Okada, H. (2011) Word learning does not end at fast-mapping: Evolution of verb meanings through reorganization of an entire semantic domain. Cognition, 118(1):45-61. >PDF

    Kantartzis, K., Imai, M. & Kita, S. (2011). Japanese sound symbolism facilitates word learning in English speaking children. Cognitive Science, 35, 575-586. >PDF

    Haryu, E., Imai, M., & Okada, H. (2011). Object Similarity Bootstraps Young Children to Action-Based Verb Extensions. Child Development, 82-2, 674-686. >PDF


    Imai, M. & Saalbach, H. (2010). Categories in mind and categories in language: Are classifier categories reflection of the mind? In B. Malt & P. Wolff (Eds.), Words and the mind: How words capture human experience. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 138-164.>PDF

    今井むつみ (2010). 認知発達と言語――ことばを知る前と後で認識は変わるのか. 日本エドワードサピア協会 研究年報, 24, 1-14

    佐治伸郎・梶田祐次・今井むつみ (2010). L2習得における類義語の使い分けの学習:複数のことばの意味関係理解の定量的可視化の試み、Second Language, 9, 83-100

    Imai, M., Saalbach, H. and Stern, E. (2010). Are Chinese and German children taxonomic, thematic or shape biased?: Influence of classifiers and cultural contexts. Frontiers in Psychology doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2010.00194 Download

    Saji,N., Kajita, Y.,Imai,M. (2010). Learning Verb System in Second Language: the Influence of Lexical Knowledge of L1 in Learning the Relationships between the Meanings of Verbs in L2. Second Language, 9, 83-100.

    Imai, M., Schalk, L., Saalbach, H. & Okada, H. (2010). Influence of grammatical gender on deductive reasoning about sex-specific properties of animals. In the Proceedings of the 32nd Annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 1160-1165. >PDF

    Arata, M., Imai, M., Okuda, J., Okada, H. & Matsuda, T. (2010). Gesture in language: How sound symbolic words are processed in the brain. In the Proceedings of the 32nd Annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 1374-1379. >PDF

    Malt,B. Gennari, S. & Imai, M. (2010). Lexicalization Patterns and the World-to-Words Mapping. In B. Malt & P. Wolff (Eds.), Words and the mind: How words capture human experience. New York: Oxford University Press. 29-57.

    Maguire, M. Hirsh-Pasek,K., Golinkoff, R., Imai, M., Haryu, E., Vanegas,S. Okada, H.,Pulverman, R., Sanchez-Davis, B. (2010). A developmental shift from similar to language specific strategies in verb acquisition: A comparison of English, Spanish, and Japanese. Cognition, 114, 299-319.

    Kita, S., Kantartzis, K., & Imai, M. (2010). Children learn sound symbolic words better: Evolutionary vestige of sound symbolic protolanguage. In A. D. M. Smith, M. Schouwstra, B. de Boer & K. Smith (Eds.), The evolution of language: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference (EVOLANG8), 206-213. Singapore: World Scientific.


    Imai, M. Kita, S., Nagumo, M. & Okada, H. (2008) Sound symbolism facilitates early verb learning. Cognition 109, 54-65.. >PDF

    Imai, M. (2008). Children’s use of argument structure, meta-knowledge of the lexicon, and extra-linguistic contextual cues in inferring meanings of novel verbs. In S. M醇・ler (Eds.), The Proceedings of HPSG08 conference, 417-435. Palo Alto, USA: CSLI publications.

    Saji, N., Saalbach, H., Imai, M, Zhang, Y., Shu, H., & Okada, H. (2008). Fast-mapping and Reorganization: Development of Verb Meanings as a System. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society(pp. 703-708). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. . >PDF

    Imai, M., Li, L., Haryu, E., Okada, H., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Golinkoff, R. & Shigematsu, J. (2008). Novel noun and verb learning in Chinese-, English-, and Japanese-speaking children. Child Development. 79, 979-1000.

    Malt, B., Gennari, S., Imai, M., Ameel, E., Tsuda, N. & Majid, A. (2008). Talking about Walking: Biomechanics and the Language of Locomotion. Psychological Science,, 19, 232-240. >PDF


    Saalbach, H. &; Imai, M. (2007). The scope of linguistic influence: Does a classifier system alter object concepts? Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. , 136, 485-501. >PDF

    Imai, M. & Mazuka, R. (2007). Revisiting language universals and linguistic relativity: language-relative construal of individuation constrained by universal ontology. Cognitive Science, 31,385-414. >PDF


    Saalbach, H. & Imai, M. (2006). Categorization, Label Extension, and Inductive Reasoning in Chinese and German Preschoolers: Influence of a Classifier System and Universal Cognitive Constraints. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 703-708). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. >PDF

    Imai, M. (2006). Mechanism of lexical development: Implications from Japanese children’s word learning. In M. Nakayama, R.Mazuka, and Y. Shirai,(Eds.), Handbook of Japanese Psycholinguistics. Cambridge Uniresity Press. Pp. 48-55.

    Imai, M, Haryu, E, Okada, H., Li, L. & Shigematsu, J. (2006). Revisiting the noun-verb debate: a crosslinguistic comparison of novel noun and verb learning in English-, Japanese- and Chinese-speaking children. In K. Hirsh-Pasek and R. Golinkoff (Eds.), Action meets word: How children learn verbs, Oxford University Press. pp.450-476

    梶川祥世・今井むつみ(2006) 乳幼児の言語発達を支える学習メカニズム:音声から意味へ ベビーサイエンス vol.5, 24-33

    今井むつみ・梶川祥世 (2006) 言語学習における領域固有性と社会的能力の役割をめぐって ベビーサイエンス vol. 5, 40-44.


    Saalbach, H., & Imai, M. (2005). Do Classifier Categories Structure our Concepts? In B. G. Bara, L. Barsalou & M. Bucciarelli (Eds.), Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1901-1906). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

    Haryu, E., Imai, M., Okada, H., Li, L., Meyer, M. Hirsh-Pasek, K., &Golinkoff, R. (2005). Noun bias in Chinese children: novel noun and verb learning in Chinese, Japanese and English preschoolers. In A. Grugos, M. Clark-Cotton, & S. Ha. (Eds.), Proceedings the 29th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Sommerville, MA:Cascadilla Press. (pp.272-283)

    針生悦子・今井むつみ(2005)「発達心理学の新しい形」第5章 語意獲得研究の新しいかたち. 誠信書房. pp133-160

    Imai, M., Haryu, E., & Okada, H. (2005). Mapping novel nouns and verbs onto dynamic action events: Are verb meanings easier to learn than noun meanings for Japanese children? Child Development, 76, 340-355. Please send me e-mail for PDF.

    今井むつみ (2005)認知学習論から考える英語教育 大津由紀雄(編)『小学校での英語教育は必要ない—英語教育のあるべき姿を考える』慶應大学出版会 pp. 77-99.


    今井むつみ (2004) 語意学習のメカニズム 神経心理学 20巻2号 125-135

    Imai, M & Haryu, E. (2004). The nature of word learning biases: From a cross linguistic perspective. In D. G. Hall & S. Waxman, (Eds.), Weaving a lexicon. MIT Press. pp. 411-444.

    Middleton, E. Wisniewski, E., Trindel, K., & Imai, M. (2004) Separating the chaff from the oats: Evidence fro a conceptual distinction between count noun and mass noun aggregates. Journal of Memory and Language, 50, 371-394.


    今井むつみ(2003). 言語獲得におけるシンボルグラウンディング 人工知能学会誌,18 (5), 580-585.

    Imai, M. & Mazuka, R. (2003). Re-evaluation of linguistic relativity: Language-specific categories and the role of universal ontological knowledge in the construal of individuation. In D. Gentner & S. Goldin-Meadow (Eds.), Language in Mind: Advances in the issues of language and thought. MIT Press. pp430-464.

    今井むつみ・針生悦子(2003)レキシコンの獲得における制約の役割とその性質. 人工知能学会誌, 18(1), 31-40.


    Haryu, E. & Imai, M. (2002). Reorganizing the lexicon by learning a new word: Japanese children’s interpretation of the meaning of a new word for a familiar artifact. Child Development. 73, 1378-1391.

    Gentner, D., Imai, M., & Boroditsky, L. (2002). As time goes by: Evidence for two systems in processing space-time metaphors. Language and Cognitive Processes, 17(5), 537-565.

    Imai, M., Haryu, E., & Okada, H. (2002). Is verb learning easier than noun learning for Japanese children? : 3-year-old Japanese children’s knowledge about object names and action name. Proceedings of the 26th Boston University Conference of Language Development. Vol. 1, 324-335.


    今井むつみ (2001). 概念発達と言語発達における類似性の役割. 大西・鈴木(編)「類似からみた心」 共立出版 pp.148-178.

    今井むつみ (2001)ことばと概念の獲得. 辻幸夫(編)ことばと認知科学の小辞典. 大修館書店 pp210-225.

    Imai, M .& Haryu, E. (2001). Learning proper nouns and common nouns without clues from syntax. Child Development, 72(3), 787-803. Please send me e-mail for PDF


    今井むつみ(2000)サピア・ワーフ仮説再考:思考形成における言語の役割、その相対性と普遍性. 心理学研究, 71(5), 415-433.

    針生悦子・今井むつみ(2000). 語意学習のメカニズムにおける制約の役割とその生得性. 井(編) 「こころの生得性:言語・概念獲得に生得的制約は必要か」第5章 共立出版pp.131-171

    Imai, M. (2000).’Universal ontological knowledge and a bias toward language-specific categories in the construal of individuation. In S. Niemeier & R. Dirven (Eds.), Evidence for Linguistic Relativity. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp.139-160.


    Imai, M., Nakanishi, T., Miyashita, H., Kidachi, Y. & Ishizaki, S. (1999). The meanings of FRONT /BACK /LEFT /RIGHT. 認知科学, 6(2), 207-225.

    Imai, M. & Haryu, E. (1999). Word learning without aid from syntax: How do Japanese children learn proper nouns and common nouns? The Proceedings of the 23rd Boston University Conference on Language Development .pp.277-288. Somerville, Mass: Cascadilla Press.

    Imai, M. (1999). Constraint on word learning constraints. Japanese Psychological Research, 41(1) 5-20.

    Haryu, E. & Imai, M. (1999). Controling the application of the mutual exclusivity assumption in the acquisition of lexical hierarchies. Japanese Psychological Research, 41(1),21-34.

    Uchida, N. & Imai, M. (1999). Heuristics in learning classifiers: The implications from the acquisition of the classifier system on the nature of lexical acquisition. Japanese Psychological Research, 41(1),50-69.

    今井むつみ, 石崎俊. (1999).「前」「後」「左」「右」の意味–認知心理学的 アプローチによる考察–. Keio SFC Review, 4,72-79.


    Imai, M. & Gentner, D. (1997). A crosslinguistic study on constraints on early word meaning: Linguistic influence vs. universal ontology. Cognition, 62, 169-200.

    今井むつみ(1997). ことばの学習の制約の起源 . 認知科学, 4, 75-98.

    Muehleisen, V. & Imai, M. (1997). ‘Transitivity and the incorporation of Ground information in Japanese path verbs. In K. Lee, E. Sweetwer, & M. Verspoor (Eds.) Lexical and syntactic constructions and the construction of meaning.pp.329-346. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


    Wisneiwski,E. , Imai, M & Casey, L. (1996). On the equivalence of superoridinate concepts. Cognition, 60, 269-298.

    内田伸子, 今井むつみ (1996). 幼児における助数詞の獲得過程 — 生物カテゴリーの形成と助数詞付与ルールの獲得 —教育心理学研究, 44, 126-135

    Imai, M. (1996). Asymmetry in the taxonomic assumption: word learning vs. property induction. Child Language Research Forum, 27. pp.157-167.


    Gentner, D. & Imai, M. (1995). Further examination of the shape bias in early word learning. Child Language Research Forum, 26. pp.167-176.


    Imai, M., Gentner, D. & Uchida, N. (1994). Children’s theories of word meanings: The role of shape similarity in early acquisition. Cognitive Development, 9. pp.45-75

    Imai, M. & Gentner, D. (1994). Linguistic relativity vs. universal ontology: Cross-linguistic studies of the object/substance distinction. The proceedings of the 29th Chicago Linguistic Society. pp.171-186


    今井 むつみ (1993). 外国語学習者の語彙学習における問題点 —— 言葉の意味 表象の見地から ——.教育心理学研究,41 pp.245-253


    Imai, M., Anderson, R., Willkinson, I. & Yi, H. (1992). Properties of attention during reading lessons. Journal of Educational Psychology, 84, pp.160-173.

    Gentner, D. & Imai, M. (1992). ‘Is the future always ahead? Evidence for system-mappings in understanding space-time metaphors’. The Proceedings of the Forteenth Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, pp.510-515. Lawrence Erlbaum.


    Mason, J. M., Anderson, R. C., Omura, A., Uchida, N. and Imai, M. (1989). Learning to read in Japan. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 21, pp.389-407.


    Evolution of young children’s theories of word meanings: The role of shape similarity in early acquisition.
    The Graduate School, Northwestern University. Evanston, Illinois, USA. June, 1994

    編著本 寄稿論文(エディタによる査読)

    今井むつみ(2023) 『シリーズ 総合政策学をひらく 言語文化とコミュニケーション』宮代康丈、山本薫(編)担当:第一章(P.7~P.24)「ことばは世界を切り分ける」 慶應義塾大学出版会 

    今井 むつみ (2022) 「外国人の子どものことばの発達」ハンディシリーズ 発達障害支援・特別支援教育ナビ『外国人の子どもへの学習支援』斎藤ひろみ 編著 担当:第6章 金子書房 

    Imai, M., & Kanero, J. (2015). The nature of the count/mass distinction in Japanese.  In. J.J. Nakayama (Ed).  Handbook of Japanese Psycholinguistics.  (In Handbooks of Japanese Language and Linguistics Series) Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Mouton. Pp.49-80.

    今井むつみ (2014) 言語発達と身体への新たな視点 今井むつみ・佐治伸朗編 岩波講座『コミュニケーションの認知科学』第1巻第1章 pp1-34.  岩波書店

    今井むつみ・佐治伸郎 (2014) 人と言語 今井むつみ・佐治伸朗編 岩波講座『コミュニケーションの認知科学』第1巻第10章 pp. 259-284.  岩波書店

    今井むつみ (2014) 早期英語教育導入の前に考えなければならないこと。子安増夫・仲真紀子(編) 『こころが育つ環境をつくる』 新曜社

    佐治伸郎,今井むつみ. (2013年). 「語彙獲得における類像性の効果の検討:親の発話と子どもの理解の観点から」. 篠原和子・宇野良子(編) 『オノマトペ研究の射程』:近づく音と意味. ひつじ書房.

    Imai, M. & Masuda, T. (2013). The role of language and culture in universality and diversity of human concepts. In M.Gelfand, CY. Chiu,& Y. Hong ( Eds.).  Advances in Culture and Psychology, Vol. 3.  Oxford University Press.  Pp 1-61. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199930449.003.0001

    今井むつみ・佐治伸郎 (2010) ことばの意味を「習得」するとは何を意味するのか:認知心理学からの言語発達理論への貢献. 遊佐典昭(編) 言語の可能性9:言語と哲学・心理学 朝倉書店 pp.115-142

    今井むつみ・佐治伸郎 ( 2010年). 外国語学習研究への認知心理学の貢献―語意と語彙の学習の本質をめぐって―」 市川伸一(編) 現代の認知心理学5 発達と学習 pp283-309                                                                                                

    今井むつみ (2010). 認知発達と言語――ことばを知る前と後で認識は変わるのか.  日本エドワードサピア協会 研究年報, 24, 1-14

    Imai, M. & Saalbach, H. (2010).  Categories in mind and categories in language: Are classifier categories reflection of the mind?  In B. Malt & P. Wolff (Eds.), Words and the mind: How words capture human experience. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 138-164.

    Malt,B. Gennari, S. & Imai, M. (2010). Lexicalization Patterns and the World-to-Words Mapping. In B. Malt & P. Wolff (Eds.), Words and the mind: How words capture human experience. New York: Oxford University Press. pp.29-57

    Saji, N. & Imai, M. (2010). Dividing semantic space by verbs in L2: How do L2 learners understand the relationship between the meanings of multiple verbs in L2?.CARLS Series of Advanced Study of Logic and Sensibility. Vol. 3  Keio University Press.

    Saji, N. & Imai, M. (2009) The Developmental Trajectory of Categorizing Events by Verbs. CARLS Series of Advanced Study of Logic and Sensibility. Vol. 2 2008. Keio University Press. pp 271-78.

    今井むつみ (2008). 事物の認識の普遍性と言語,文化の影響. 長谷川寿一・C.ラマール・伊藤たかね(編)こころとことば:進化と認知科学のアプローチ. 東京大学出版会 (pp.191-210).

    今井むつみ(2008年). 人はなぜ言語を持つのか-言語学習における推論を可能にする認知基盤.   中山剛史・坂上雅道(編)『脳科学と哲学の出会い: 脳・生命・心』 第3章 玉川大学出版部. pp. 42-57

    Imai, M. (2006). Mechanism of lexical development: Implications from Japanese children’s word learning. In M. Nakayama, R.Mazuka, and Y. Shirai,(Eds.), Handbook of Japanese Psycholinguistics.  Cambridge Uniresity Press. Pp. 48-55.

    Imai, M, Haryu, E, Okada, H., Li, L. & Shigematsu, J. ( 2006). Revisiting the noun-verb debate: a crosslinguistic comparison of novel noun and verb learning in English-, Japanese- and Chinese-speaking children.  In K. Hirsh-Pasek and R. Golinkoff (Eds.), Action meets word: How children learn verbs, Oxford University Press. pp.450-476

    針生悦子・今井むつみ(2005)「発達心理学の新しい形」第5章 語意獲得研究の新しいかたち. 誠信書房. pp133-160

    今井むつみ (2005)認知学習論から考える英語教育 大津由紀雄(編)『小学校での英語教育は必要ない—英語教育のあるべき姿を考える』慶應大学出版会 pp. 77-99.  

    今井むつみ (2004) 語意学習のメカニズム 神経心理学 20巻2号 125-135

    Imai, M & Haryu, E. (2004). The nature of word learning biases:  From a cross linguistic perspective. In D. G. Hall & S. Waxman, (Eds.), Weaving a lexicon.  MIT Press.  pp. 411-444.

    今井むつみ (2001).  概念発達と言語発達における類似性の役割. 大西・鈴木(編)「類似からみた心」 共立出版  pp.148-178.

    今井むつみ (2001)ことばと概念の獲得. 辻幸夫(編)ことばと認知科学の小辞典. 大修館書店 pp210-225.

    針生悦子・今井むつみ(2000). 語意学習のメカニズムにおける制約の役割とその生得性. 今井(編) 「こころの生得性:言語・概念獲得に生得的制約は必要か」第5章 共立出版pp.131-171
