ABLE - Agents for Bridging Learning research and Educational practice is an international community that connects people who are passionate about innovations in education. We hope to bridge a gap between researchers of Cognitive Science and people who are engaged in educational practices.
Click here for new information about ABLEJanuary 28th, 2012
Invited Speaker: Professor Nancy Nersessian
August 5th, 2012
January 18th-19th, 2014
Invited Speaker: Professor Anders Ericsson
November 29-30th, 2014
Video of First Day Video of Second DayInvited Speaker: Professor Henrik Saalbach
February 27th, 2016
VideoInvited Speaker: Professor Elizabeth Stern, Professor Ralph Schumacher
July 30th, 2016
VideoInvited Speaker: Professor Kathy Hirsh-Pasek
December 11th, 2016
VideoInvited Speaker: Elizabeth and Kate Juett
August 20th, 2017
VideoInvited Speaker:Professor Erno Lehtinen
June 3rd, 2018
VideoInvited Speaker:Professor Elizabeth Stern, Professor Ralph Schumacher
September 22nd, 2018