English > Books


Book Chapters (Only ones written in English included)

Imai, M. (2020). Lexical development is a process of Symbol Grounding and System Construction. In J. Childers, S. Graham, L. Namy (Eds.) Learning Language and Concepts from Multiple Examples in Infancy and Childhood. Springer. >online

Imai, M. (2017). The “Symbol Grounding Problem” reinterpreted from the perspective of language acquisition. In J.Zlatev, Sonesson, G., P. Konderak (Eds.). Meaning, Mind and Communication; Explorations in Cognitive Semiotics. pp145-160. Frunkfurt am Mein: Peterlang

Imai, M., & Kanero, J. (2015) The nature of the count/mass distinction in Japanese. In. J.J. Nakayama (Ed). Handbook of Japanese Psycholinguistics. (In Handbooks of Japanese Language and Linguistics Series) Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Mouton.

Malt, B.C., Gennari, S., Imai, M., Ameel, E., Saji, N., & Majid, A. (To appear, 2015). Where are the concepts? What words can and can’t reveal. Chapter to appear in E. Margolis and S. Laurence (Eds.), Concepts: New Directions. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Imai, M. & Masuda, T. (2013). The role of language and culture in universality and diversity of human concepts. In M.Gelfand, CY. Chiu,& Y. Hong ( Eds.). Advances in Culture and Psychology, Vol. 3. Oxford University Press. pp 1-61.

Imai, M. & Saalbach, H. (2010). Categories in mind and categories in language: Are classifier categories reflection of the mind? In B. Malt & P. Wolff (Eds.), Words and the mind: How words capture human experience. New York: Oxford University Press. Pp. 138-164.

Malt,B. Gennari, S. & Imai, M. (2010). Lexicalization Patterns and the World-to-Words Mapping. In B. Malt & P. Wolff (Eds.), Words and the mind: How words capture human experience. New York: Oxford University Press. pp.29-57

Saji, N. & Imai, M. (2010). Dividing semantic space by verbs in L2: How do L2 learners understand the relationship between the meanings of multiple verbs in L2?.CARLS Series of Advanced Study of Logic and Sensibility. Vol. 3 Keio University Press.

Saji, N. & Imai, M. (2009) The Developmental Trajectory of Categorizing Events by Verbs. CARLS Series of Advanced Study of Logic and Sensibility. Vol. 2 2008. Keio University Press. pp 271-78.

Imai, M. (2006). Mechanism of lexical development: Implications from Japanese children’s word learning. In M. Nakayama, R.Mazuka, and Y. Shirai,(Eds.), Handbook of Japanese Psycholinguistics. Cambridge Uniresity Press. Pp. 48-55.

Imai, M, Haryu, E, Okada, H., Li, L. & Shigematsu, J. ( 2006). Revisiting the noun-verb debate: a crosslinguistic comparison of novel noun and verb learning in English-, Japanese- and Chinese-speaking children. In K. Hirsh-Pasek and R. Golinkoff (Eds.), Action meets word: How children learn verbs, Oxford University Press. pp.450-476

Imai, M & Haryu, E. (2004). The nature of word learning biases: From a cross linguistic perspective. In D. G. Hall & S. Waxman, (Eds.), Weaving a lexicon. MIT Press. pp. 411-444.

Imai, M. & Mazuka, R. (2003). Re-evaluation of linguistic relativity: Language-specific categories and the role of universal ontological knowledge in the construal of individuation. In D. Gentner & S. Goldin-Meadow (Eds.), Language in Mind: Advances in the issues of language and thought. MIT Press. pp430-464.

Imai, M. (2000).’Universal ontological knowledge and a bias toward language-specific categories in the construal of individuation. In S. Niemeier & R. Dirven (Eds.), Evidence for Linguistic Relativity. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp.139-160.

Muehleisen, V. & Imai, M. (1997). ‘Transitivity and the incorporation of Ground information in Japanese path verbs. In K. Lee, E. Sweetwer, & M. Verspoor (Eds.) Lexical and syntactic constructions and the construction of meaning.pp.329-346. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


今井むつみ (2016) 学びとは何か 岩波新書
(Mutsumi Imai (2016) Learning and Knowledge Aacquisition, Iwanami Shinsho)

今井むつみ (2013) ことばの発達の謎を解く ちくまプリマ―新書
(Mutsumi Imai (2016) The Math of Lexical Acquisition, Chikuma Primer Shinsho)

今井むつみ (2010) ことばと思考 岩波新書
(Mutsumi Imai (2010) Language and Thought, Iwanami Shinsho)

今井むつみ・針生悦子(2007) レキシコンの構築:子どもはどのように語と概念を学んでいくのか 岩波書店
(Mutsumi Imai & Etsuko Haryu (2007) The Construction of the Lexicon: How children learn words and concepts, Iwanami Shoten)

今井むつみ・野島久雄 (2003) 人が学ぶということ:認知学習論からの視点
(Mutsumi Imai & Hisao Nojima (2003) The Nature of Human Learning: From the Viewpoint of the Cognitive Learning Theory)

今井むつみ(編) (2000) こころの生得性:言語・概念獲得に生得的制約は必要か
認知科学の探究シリーズ 共立出版
(Mutsumi Imai (Eds.) (2000) The Innate Mind: Are Innate Biases Essential for the Acquisition of Language and Concept?)

今井むつみ (1997) ことばの学習のパラドックス 認知科学モノグラフシリーズ
(Mutsumi Imai (1997) The Paradox of the Word Learning, Cognitive Science Monograph Series, Kyoritsu Printing)
